The start of our adventure

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How did I figure out that my daughter had Sensory Processing Disorder? Well, here is how it all began for us…

How it started

When my daughter was 2 years old, I noticed some minor changes happening.

I remember we had gone to a resort for our family Christmas around January/February. Up until the day we were leaving, my daughter had always worn socks without a problem.

However, when we were getting ready to leave, she had a meltdown about putting socks on. Ever since that day, she has not liked wearing socks.

I understood how the socks seams may be bothering her toes (I know a lot of people, myself included who are particular about their socks) and just left it be. No matter the season, she would not wear socks.

Slow Progression

Over the next 2 years, things progressed pretty slowly with random things becoming an issue. Those issues were,

  • Refusing to wear anything but footie pajamas
  • Underwear
  • Capris
  • Gloves
  • Auditory hypersensitivity to automatic flushing toilets

A Cry for Help

After 2 years of things progressing, I knew something was going on but did not know exactly what or how to help my daughter. One day I decided to post on Facebook to get some opinions from other friend/family that may have struggled with this. A girl who went to my high school asked if she had Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), previously known as Sensory Integrative Disorder. I had never heard of it and decided to do some research of my own.


During all of my research, I came across a checklist to help determine if my daughter had SPD. She checked many boxes on the checklist that I did not know were things that were considered signs of SPD. I learned a lot during my research and decided to bring it up with her pediatrician.

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